Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Here will be listed several Flash websites with small descriptions of their features.

The first one is corporate website. Interesting property here is transactions and pseudo-3D distortion on mouse move for some page pieces.

Next, beer brand promo website. Central part here is video animated bottles, which plays when user choose one of 3 beers.

Other cute part here is interactive brewery guide. After long time running become slow... Next time I'd prefer to do bubbles in the barrel as static animation or search for another way, but not use program creation/removing of them. Flash player memory leak issue still not resolved.

Next, another beer's brand promo website. There quiz of 8 small games. Liked to work on it :)

The last one I wanted to list in this post is website, where programmed 2 dynamic belts of pictures and people info. Some pieces manages from XML. Not very special, but still nice.

Update 12/04/18:

One other stretching website with parallax effect. Can be download in ZIP.

Friday's restaraunts web site managed completely from server side. All structure of main menu, sections, and all content are defined on the server. Here also used Yandex Maps API and YouTube API for showing addresses of restaraunts on the map and videos directly from youTube channel.

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