Thursday, June 2, 2011

3D Papervision applications

All 3D projects developed on Papervision library. AKA most functional and popular one.
I remember one the application we needed was about reviewing some legendary places or museums. We needed it to be interactive as possible, can switch on TV on the wall and walking between rooms for example.
We did spherical texture. In this case it was just possible to see camera from one spot and move to another places by clicking on hotspots and have animated transfer to another spot.

Also we needed to try to do something like 3D game's walking in the room, and use plane textures to cover walls. There I made possible to put image or interactive video player on the wall too.

But more then that, we needed to make room view completely be controlled by XML.
The XML structure looks like:
<walls height="700" cover="media/wall.jpg">
<wall type="space" direction="forward" length="250" />
<wall type="wall" direction="left" length="1500">
<hotspot type="video" x="-750" y="50" width="512" height="256" distance="20" cover="media/video.png" src="media/video.flv" />
<wall> <walls>

It was very excited to do such project, but alas it was not possible to get such plane textures for rooms and make other 3D objects inside of room, so my special project was not finished. But you can download it from here.

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