Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good looking promo websites

These two promo websites are latest for now. They are well designed and have several funny features.

This one is for sharing brand's products line. There are several animated links to them at the bottom. Feature is that it has 3 ways of control the fractal:
- by mouse, it follows the pointer
- by microphone, depend on volume
- by webcam, moving as the object in front of camera.
Other feature is making dotted picture from the shot you get from webcamera or from Flickr random image.
Should be available at or here.

The second one is presents new game for play station. There video website with information about product and 2 online games. First game is quiz about finding out correct names and models for cars.

Second game lets user to speed up the car by sound from his microphone.

This website available at or here (without videos in Video section).


In this post will be published several applications, which based on some nice mathematic calculations.

This application was for checking card account for some promo. But the main feature I'd like to share here is car's animation. Cars' traffic here managed programmatically.
That means if some car overtakes another car, it'll be changing driving line to another and continue moving. More then that, if road has steep turn, car will have some drifting on it. You can also find out that this application has different design in case of day or night.

Next debug application is getting external image, analizing it and make animated dotted one-color image, depending on its brightness.

And finally here application which calculates brightness inside of rectangle and shows its walue on the bottom bar.

Update 12/04/18:

Look&Wish project have been developing as the prototype of and its' main feature that it uses very huge calculations of how clothes should be dressed and jam under each other. Lagrange polynomials and Bezier curves were very useful here ;)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

More applications

Several applicatons just to be here.

XML managed colors table. Available in ZIP.

Changing colors of the walls. Available here.

Company projects' show reel. Feature here is that mp4 video can be managed from XML's cue points for each video, in case of the current states of other video. It's for more detailed information about current project. Too huge video to download this application (as it's desktop), but can see navigation here.

Next one shows roughness by mouse moving effect.

Application for showing some advertisement/marketing things.

Interesting effect for growing tree animation. Several the same movies (limbs) put as the tree, and when lower limb finish grow, it started the upper one. Here's a debug version to see how it work, and then final one.

Update 12/04/18:

Here two similar promo applications. Main functionality is about drawing on those products. Well, different companies have different products )) And remember, don't press the Submit button when you try those applications! ;)

The VolksWagen painter you can try here.

The Kotex painter is here.

The next one is an application inside of sushi restaraunt website.

External things

External libraries, APIs, server communications and near of that.

Have been playing with library, which is making 3D objects positioned above the marker captured by webcamera. Also known as Augmented Reality. Try it here.

Debug version of tetris. It made with using Papervision 3D library. Lines will be removed on proper button click, if you collected 5 one-color blocks on left or right column.

Next, debug application is about video chatting. As server for getting communication worked and storing records used Flash Media Server.

Next one is Vkontakte API application. Users can post their pictures from social network, camera or from file, and then comment those pictures, mark if they like or not, ask expert for advice and so on.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Here will be listed several Flash websites with small descriptions of their features.

The first one is corporate website. Interesting property here is transactions and pseudo-3D distortion on mouse move for some page pieces.

Next, beer brand promo website. Central part here is video animated bottles, which plays when user choose one of 3 beers.

Other cute part here is interactive brewery guide. After long time running become slow... Next time I'd prefer to do bubbles in the barrel as static animation or search for another way, but not use program creation/removing of them. Flash player memory leak issue still not resolved.

Next, another beer's brand promo website. There quiz of 8 small games. Liked to work on it :)

The last one I wanted to list in this post is website, where programmed 2 dynamic belts of pictures and people info. Some pieces manages from XML. Not very special, but still nice.

Update 12/04/18:

One other stretching website with parallax effect. Can be download in ZIP.

Friday's restaraunts web site managed completely from server side. All structure of main menu, sections, and all content are defined on the server. Here also used Yandex Maps API and YouTube API for showing addresses of restaraunts on the map and videos directly from youTube channel.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Advertisement projects

For more then 3 years of Flash in advertisment there were made bunch of good-looking game applications and websites. Starting now about smart simple small games.

Here's my puzzle programming part.

Here's another simple game.

And one more for cat's brand.

And one for driving boat between obstacles.

And finally here, the funniest one, which can read your mind ;) Try it!


One more nice development tool I've learned is Xcelsius. It make possible to operate with data in Flash, which is inside of XLS sheet. Sometimes it can be very useful.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3D Papervision applications

All 3D projects developed on Papervision library. AKA most functional and popular one.
I remember one the application we needed was about reviewing some legendary places or museums. We needed it to be interactive as possible, can switch on TV on the wall and walking between rooms for example.
We did spherical texture. In this case it was just possible to see camera from one spot and move to another places by clicking on hotspots and have animated transfer to another spot.

Also we needed to try to do something like 3D game's walking in the room, and use plane textures to cover walls. There I made possible to put image or interactive video player on the wall too.

But more then that, we needed to make room view completely be controlled by XML.
The XML structure looks like:
<walls height="700" cover="media/wall.jpg">
<wall type="space" direction="forward" length="250" />
<wall type="wall" direction="left" length="1500">
<hotspot type="video" x="-750" y="50" width="512" height="256" distance="20" cover="media/video.png" src="media/video.flv" />
<wall> <walls>

It was very excited to do such project, but alas it was not possible to get such plane textures for rooms and make other 3D objects inside of room, so my special project was not finished. But you can download it from here.

Map based applications

Other type of applications we developed were based on the map. Here mostly used Google maps API and ESRI maps API. The second one allowed us to use much statistical population, medical and other information.

Data shown in text format and graphically on direct regoin on the map.